Monday, June 13, 2022

Play Like a World Champion series Paperbacks

I have created a series of books based on games from World Championship matches. The idea is the reader plays through the games and guesses the next move. This is similar to How Good is Your Chess? type books or Solitaire Chess . If you guess correctly you score and you get a rough rating estimate when a game is completed. To make it more interesting, it is multiple choice. You choose between up to 4 choices.

The eBook versions are fairly straight forward. You see a diagram with the choices. You cannot see the answer until you go to the next page on your device.

With paperbacks it is a little more complicated. You need to cover up the current page with a sheet of paper or card and move it down one line at a time. When the choices are displayed, do not move to the next line until you have chosen the move.

To make this easier, there is only one column on each page. The instructions are in each book.