Saturday, May 4, 2019


#include "globals.h"

int LineCheck(const int s,const int sq,const int d,const int p);
bool LineCheck2(const int s,const int sq,const int d,const int p1,const int p2);

Attack returns true if one side attacks a given square and false if it doesn't.
It is used to tell if a King is in check, but can have other uses.

bool Attack(const int s,const int x)
if(col[x]<7 && color[x-7] == s && board[x-7] == 0)
return true;
if(col[x]>0 && color[x-9] == s && board[x-9] == 0)
return true;
else if(row[x]<6)
if(col[x]>0 && color[x+7] == s && board[x+7] == 0)
return true;
if(col[x]<7 && color[x+9] == s && board[x+9] == 0)
return true;

int k = 0;
int sq = knight_moves[x][k];

while(sq > -1)
if(color[sq] == s && board[sq]==N)
return true;
sq = knight_moves[x][k];

if(LineCheck2(s,x,NE,B,Q)) return true;
if(LineCheck2(s,x,NW,B,Q)) return true;
if(LineCheck2(s,x,SW,B,Q)) return true;
if(LineCheck2(s,x,SE,B,Q)) return true;

if(LineCheck2(s,x,NORTH,R,Q)) return true;
if(LineCheck2(s,x,SOUTH,R,Q)) return true;
if(LineCheck2(s,x,EAST,R,Q)) return true;
if(LineCheck2(s,x,WEST,R,Q)) return true;

if(abs(col[x] - col[kingloc[s]])<2 && abs(row[x] - row[kingloc[s]])<2)
return true;
return false;

LowestAttacker is similar to Attack. It returns the square the weakest attacker of the given side and given square.
It returns -1 if there are no attackers.
It is used to find the next piece that will recapture, but can have other uses.

int LowestAttacker(const int s,const int x)
if(col[x]<7 && color[x-7] == s && board[x-7] == 0)
return x-7;
if(col[x]>0 && color[x-9] == s && board[x-9] == 0)
return x-9;
else if(row[x]<6)
if(col[x]>0 && color[x+7] == s && board[x+7] == 0)
return x+7;
if(col[x]<7 && color[x+9] == s && board[x+9] == 0)
return x+9;

int k = 0;
int sq = knight_moves[x][k];

while(sq > -1)
if(color[sq] == s && board[sq]==N)
return sq;
sq = knight_moves[x][k];

sq = LineCheck(s,x,NE,B); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,NW,B); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,SW,B); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,SE,B); if(sq>-1) return sq;

sq = LineCheck(s,x,NORTH,R); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,SOUTH,R); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,EAST,R); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,WEST,R); if(sq>-1) return sq;

sq = LineCheck(s,x,NORTH,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,SOUTH,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,EAST,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,WEST,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;

sq = LineCheck(s,x,NE,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,NW,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,SW,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;
sq = LineCheck(s,x,SE,Q); if(sq>-1) return sq;

if(abs(col[x] - col[kingloc[s]])<2 && abs(row[x] - row[kingloc[s]])<2)
return kingloc[s];
return -1;

LineCheck searches a line in direction d for the given piece of the given side.
It returns -1 if there are none.

int LineCheck(const int s,int sq,const int d,const int p)
sq = qrb_moves[sq][d];
while(sq > -1)
if(color[sq] != EMPTY)
if(board[sq] == p && color[sq] == s)
return sq;
sq = qrb_moves[sq][d];
return -1;

LineCheck2 searches a line in direction d for the given pieces of the given side.
On diagonals it searches for bishops and queens, while on ranks or files it
searches for rooks and queens.
It returns -1 if there are none.

bool LineCheck2(const int s,int sq,const int d,const int p1,const int p2)
sq = qrb_moves[sq][d];
while(sq > -1)
if(color[sq] != EMPTY)
if((board[sq] == p1 || board[sq] == p2) && color[sq] == s)
return true;
sq = qrb_moves[sq][d];
return false;

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