Monday, November 4, 2019

Review of Endgames Made Easy.

Its great to get a review.

Carvalho Peter wrote In one pawn endgame problem there is an error . b6 would be replied with .....Ka6 and the only way to protect the pawn is Kc6 which results in stalemate. ....Kb8 by black is a blunder permitting Kb5 and the a5 pawn is lost losing. The correct winning technique is available in standard endgame book by Averbakh.

Unfortunately its not clear to me which position Peter is referring to.

This position would fit. However 1.b6 Ka6 would be met by 2.b7 Kxb7 3.Kb5 and wins as per other examples. If 2...Ka7 then 3.b8Q+ Kxb8 4.Kb6 wins.

Thanks Peter for bringing this up.

Readers are encouraged to engage with a review and I can respond on this blog.

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